Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hockey and Weight Loss

So how do I incorporate my favorite sport into my weight loss. Easy! My husband bought me a Hurricanes jersey for Christmas in 2009...(if it wasn't '09 it was Christmas '10, but I believe '09 is right) when he bought the jersey it fit, I mean the arms were a little long but in the body it fit. Well needless to say, it's so big it's hard to wear. I hated that! The arms were so long they were in the way and you could probably fit another person in the jersey with me.

I was bummed, jerseys are EXPENSIVE. Bring in 50% off all Canes apparel due to the lockout, if I'm going to buy a jersey now is the time....HELLO NEW JERSEY. Hello Jersey that is is a children's size! A children's jersey is $45 cheaper than a adult jersey at regular cost...CHA-CHING! I will say, I tried on the adult jerseys and even the smallest sizes the arms were too long...the kid's jersey fits perfectly!

Look at the pictures to see the difference in sizes...woah! I surprise myself.

1 comment:

JJpreneur said...

It looks great! You're the WOMAN!