What a long journey this has been...and it's not over yet. I'm so close to the finish line, it's like in a race where you can see the finish for the last 1/2 mile but it feels like you're never going to get there. But with this race...I will get there. And since that finish line is so close I've been starting to think about "what's next"? Since May 2010 I have been on this journey...almost 3 years (and maybe just over 3 years by the time I get there). I've got to figure out how to be happy maintaining. My mentality has been to lose lose lose for so long I'm not sure my mind will switch to anything else. Guess we'll tackle that hurdle when we get to it.
Along this journey I've learned a lot, about myself, my body, and health in general.
- It's not easy, and it took a long time to gain the weight...it's going to take a long time to lose it. I've lost weight fast before, it comes right back. But I think after a 3 year struggle I have changed enough that it won't be the case this time. It also takes a lot more work to get it off. You know it's not going to be easy...but no one ever said it would be this hard either.
- What worked for you may not work for me. And what works for me may not work for your. Don't adopt someone else's successes and try and replicate them. Your body is different and will require different things than probably anyone else. Do your research, talk to your doctor and come up with a plan that provides results for you. Just because I had big results running doesn't mean you will. And just because you want to run a marathon doesn't mean I want to (I say that now). It's going to take a lot of tweaking at first, and probably several times during the process but something WILL work.
- If I can do this...anyone can do this. (side note: this is not including those with health issues that may actually make weight lost impossible.) I have no self control. If I can change my mindset from living to eat to eating to live so can you. What I eat doesn't matter much to me any more. Just as long as it's nutritious and filling. Don't get me wrong, I have cravings and sometimes I "just don't want that" but I'll choose a HEALTHY salad over a burger any day now because at the end of the day...I'm going to be be mad about working off that burger if that's not what I REALLY wanted.
- Please, please, please....if you are starting on a weight loss journey....consult a doctor. Have a primary care physician on your team backing you up and making sure you stay healthy through the process. Also have them help you set your goal weight, you may be thinking too high or too low and the last thing you want to do is think you're done and someone tell you that you need to lose more, BUMMER! There are SO MANY weight loss plans/diets that are so bad for you and you could end up doing more damage than good. Also, make sure you have regular blood work done to ensure that you aren't depriving your body of anything it needs.
- Listen to your body. It will tell you when you've gone too far or done too much. This was one of the biggest lessons I had to learn...take a rest day. Every week. Your muscles need to rest, you don't want to hurt yourself. Also, when you're trying something new make sure you are in tune with your body, you'll quickly learn the difference between sore and I'm hurting myself.
- Do not deprive yourself of something you want. Everything is fine...in moderation, you just have to plan for it. If you deprive yourself you'll just binge at some point which is much more detrimental.
- When you get discouraged remember, you're farther along than you were before so keep plugging. It will happen eventually.
- Weight loss requires potion control and exercise. And when I say exercise I mean cardio and strength training. You can get quite a ways on cardio alone but remember, muscle burns more fat. Also, if you do strength training you skin will hopefully tighten up as you lose so you don't have baggy skin at the end.
- No one can tell you you're doing your journey wrong. If they do then they're stupid and just jealous.
- KEEP A GOOD ATTITUDE, STAY POSITIVE AND KEEP WORKING. One of the best quotes I've heard is "That voice inside your head saying you can't do this is a liar." So true. You are your own biggest enemy in this fight.
There's some thoughts. I'll post my March results tomorrow as my graph is on another computer. 6.2lbs until I start a new rest of my life journey. Trying to work on getting my mind wrapped around that.