Tuesday, December 10, 2013

November 2013 Update

If it proves how crazy my life is, I haven't even thought about a November update yet and it's the 10th of December!  Well, here you go.  I would call November a success considering that Thanksgiving was 3 days from the end of the month, I ate whatever I wanted, didn't feel bad about it and still stayed under goal.  Our big Christmas party is over for December so if I can just curb my desire to cover everything in chocolate and make every cookie I see a recipie for we should be in good shape!

Hopefully all the studying that I'll be doing with massively cut down on the time I think I have to spend in the kitchen.

On a side note, I have to figure out what the deal with my graphs are.

Friday, November 1, 2013

October 2013 Update

I'm not sure how I managed to loose weight this month, but I did (not really trying, just trying to not go over my goal). Between the fair, traveling, stress at work and my birthday I thought for sure I'd be lucky to come in under goal. But I'm less this month than I was last month.

What a great month! I love October! The weather is cooler, the fair, leaves changing color, hockey, running outside, my birthday are just a few reasons I love this month. I FINALLY went skydiving! So much fun! I'm sure I'll go again, actually I have a few people that want me to go with them. I want to jump solo one day!  I'm sure I'll write a whole post on that adventure soon!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 2013 Update

I lost a pound this month. Honestly, I wasn't trying I was just trying to be good. I've come to realize that weight loss the last quarter of the year doesn't happen for me so I know I'll be struggling to just maintain as well. Glad I got that little exta cushion now. 

Welcome to October, my absolute FAVORITE month of the year for so many reasons. I can't wait to enjoy it with hockey, trips and celebrating so many things. Stay tuned for exciting things to come!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

August 2013 Update

Maintain, maintain, maintain. I should be happy right? I hit my goal and I have been able to come in under goal every month since. I don't know if its because for 3 years I was in the loose, loose, loose mindset that now I'm unsatisfied with maintain. Thing is, I'm happy with the way I look, I'm happy with the clothes  wearing, I don't want to loose more but I don't feel like I'm making progress. 

I'd like to loose 2 lbs....that's it. That way I'm not walking the fine line of over/under goal and stressing about if I'm going to come in under. I've always liked buffers....so I'm goof to work on that, probably slowly. I'm also working on toning again, finally. When I started running a lot last fall I quit lifting weights and I've picked that up again this month. That will help with my desire to loose 2 lbs. and hopefully while I work on that I can continue to change my mindset as well. 

So excited for fall and for cooler weather so I can comfortably run outside again!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

July 2013 Update

Still under! This month wasn't nearly as discouraging as June, I pretty much knew I'd make it in under goal. I haven't been focusing on lose, lose, lose these past couple of months I've been focusing on maintaining, and with all the summer parties we have going on I'm just smartly enjoying myself. You'll still see me drag my cucumbers and apples to snack on around but that's more that I've been totally in love with produce lately.

I'd love to loose 1 or 2 (literally) more pounds but I'm not pushing it. It was a good month!

Monday, July 1, 2013

June 2013 Update

So, I hit my goal weight last month (very end of May).  I've been thinking the whole month of June on how to use my graph and blog now as weight lost isn't something I exactly need to track anymore, but reporting on my blog on a monthly basis does keep me accountable and I appreciate the accountability.

I had to go see my doctor earlier this month for other reasons but since I had just hit my goal 2 weeks before it was a good time to talk to him about maintenance as well.  He told me that he helped me choose my goal weight because it was low enough that I could have a 10 pound range around it (5 over and 5 under) and even if I were to go 5 over my BMI would still be in the healthy range.  So he said that I don't need to be so focused on my weight being the EXACTLY my goal every time I weigh in (because let's face it, it's different every day) but more that I need to be within my 10 lb range.

With that advice I created my new graph.  As, you will see it doesn't report weight lost for the month but it does show where I'm at in relation to my goal weight and my max and min weight range.  I will still be updating monthly for accountability.  I went back a couple of months as well so you can see the last month I was out of maintenance range and then as I moved in to that range. 

I thought for sure that I wasn't going to come in under goal this month.  The beginning of the month was really discouraging and I just beat myself up every day.  But!  I got on the scale this morning and I was 0.2lbs under goal!  SCORE!  Even 0.2 under is under and I'll take it!  I'm not working to loose more but I am continuing to work out and count my calories and I'm hoping that I will start moving toward the lower end of this graph as the months move on, I'd rather have a little more wiggle room to bounce up (for those events and times where you're just going to or vacations) than feel like I'm always walking a fine line.
If you've been following along in the 'Quest to Hit Laura's Goal Weight Saga' for long you'll know that my reward (to myself) for hitting goal was to go skydiving (it was between that and eating a whole cheesecake in one sitting).  It just so happened that Living Social has a coupon for a local skydiving facility at the end of May.  Since I was so close (and the deal was great) I went ahead and bought it.  I told myself I wasn't going to reward myself until I had 2 consecutive months under goal (thinking that there was no way I'd hit under goal for June).  Well, it's been 2 months reported under goal now so I guess I have to make good on my promise!  If you want to contribute to my reward there is a link where you can donate to the right of this post, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would like to celebrate with me!  I may not make it skydiving in July as we are pretty busy but I am going to be looking for some free time to schedule this jump (oh, and if I hadn't made this public I think I might back out on my own reward, I'm getting nervous about it).  HOLLA!
Now, we're moving on to July.  I love July, not necessarily the weather but I love 4th of July!  It's my favorite holiday because it's just chill.  And I love the patriotic feeling that wells up inside every 4th of July.  We are truly blessed to live in this country and we should be grateful every day for the men and women that protect us here and abroad.  So, enjoy your cookouts, ice cream and fireworks on Thursday!

Monday, June 3, 2013


I added up the days that I've been working to hit my goal weight. From the first day I started tracking and working toward my goal to the day that I weighed in and hit goal took 1,105 days. 

That's 3 years and 8 days. I've had some times when I fell off the wagon and I wasn't 100% consistent all the time but I got there and so happy I stuck to it.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

May 2013 Update: VICTORY!

As of technically last week I reached my goal.  It only took just over 2 years!  Since I hit my goal weight at the end of a cleanse I was scared to call it a victory because quite honestly some of the weight that you loose those last couple days of a cleanse is an unrealistic weight loss and I always gain a little back.  I only gained just under a pound back and stayed under my goal weight!
Now it's time to figure out what maintenance is like.  We'll see how this goes, when you've been in the lose, lose, lose mindset for so long it's hard to change gears but I'm going to work on it.  I've now got to work on my skydiving adventure, I said I was going to do it so now I have to make good on that promise.  If you want to help fund it look to the right :)
It feels great to have the very bottom of that orange line below the goal line!
May 2013 Graph
Since I'm finally at goal I included the overall graph as well below.  Since this journey started in Mid-May 2010 (shout out to my Dr. who finally made me mad enough to motivate me!) I've lost 110.9 lbs.  To get to goal weight I needed to loose 109.5.  I lost 92.6 of that since I did my first cleanse in June 2011.  Overall I've lost 113 inches since then as well.
Overall Graph
I'm excited that I've actually done this!  When I first started I thought there was no way I'd get down to my goal weight (which is what my doctor actually set).  But I have, as you can see there have been bumps along the way and times where I fell off the wagon a little but I always got back on and continued on.  I know that the struggle isn't over here.  It's going to be a life long struggle to maintain and stay within a healthy weight range but the first battle is over and I've made some amazing lifestyle changes along the way.  I'll try and take a picture and find some good before pictures to put up.  I'll also try and get a picture of myself in the pants that I kept from when I started loosing weight. 
I share these monthly updates with you not to brag but to keep myself accountable, since I started doing this I haven't had a month where I've gained.  it's quite a motivation to weigh less at the end of the month than you did at the beginning if you know you have to report to the world.  I also hope that this has been in inspiration to you all, no matter what your goal may be (loose weight, get fit, get stronger, etc.).  I hope my journey has shown you that if I can do it....you can too!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Cleanse 4

Well, my 4th cleanse is done. This one wasn't nearly as rough (mentally) as the one I did mid-2012. I lost a total of 9.4 lbs during the 9 days and 10.75 inches. Since the last few days are fasting days I fully expect to gain a little of that bak right off the bat because it was lost in unrealistic circumstances but I'm usually able to work it back off pretty quickly.

Since the first cleanse I started (6/20/11) to today I've lost a 92.6 lbs and 113 inches overall. Below are the cleanse totals for this go round and the grand totals.

Technically, I've reached my goal weight but I'm not going to claim that victory until my month end weigh-in.  I'll probably keep doing 1 or 2 cleanses a year, not for weight loss but it seems to reset my system. I feel better and my digestion seems to be better.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April 2013 Update

Pleasantly surprised by this month! I had an event about halfway through the month that really set me back and I feel like I've spent the rest of the month recovering. I stepped on the scale this morning (multiple times) to a surprise that my weight was way down. I also fought a foot injury that had me banned from running fir several weeks and was worried it would majorly hinder me.

3.6lbs to goal, don't anticipate making it in May since we leave for a week at the beach on Saturday but maybe I'll be there in June (I'll be THRILLED if it happens in May)!

Donate to my skydiving adventure reward (link to the right)!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sub-30 5k

After months of trying I have finally arrived! I ran a sub-30 5k in an actual timed race. The Garmin and the race results both concur, chiptime was 29:18. I've been running sub-30 for awhile now on my own but could never acheive a race day sub-30 but today I did it!

I told some friends that now that I've ran a 5k in under 30 I was never running a 5k again...that's not true but I feel like I've proved it...watch out, I'll probably be trying for a sub-28 next or something crazy.  I really want to sub-45 an 8k so maybe that will be my next goal.
This is the face of a girl who just ran a 5k in 29:18!

Garmin Details:
Run for Our Heros 5k by lmreinke at Garmin Connect - Details

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March 2013 Update

Here it is, another successful month and another month where I'm just a couple pounds short of my ultimate goal. I will get there though.

This month was successful and I managed to lose some weight even though we went to Wilmington the last couple days of the month. Usually when we are out of town I fall of the wagon but I managed to make smart choices and still have a great time! My mind set concerning food has changed for sure. I care less about what I eat and more about that its a good choice and filling. Yay! Progress! Here's to HOPEFULLY reaching goal by the end of April so I can go skydiving (in case you missed it that's my reward to myself) while on vacation in May!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Light at the End of the Tunnel

What a long journey this has been...and it's not over yet.  I'm so close to the finish line, it's like in a race where you can see the finish for the last 1/2 mile but it feels like you're never going to get there.  But with this race...I will get there.  And since that finish line is so close I've been starting to think about "what's next"?  Since May 2010 I have been on this journey...almost 3 years (and maybe just over 3 years by the time I get there).  I've got to figure out how to be happy maintaining.  My mentality has been to lose lose lose for so long I'm not sure my mind will switch to anything else.  Guess we'll tackle that hurdle when we get to it.

Along this journey I've learned a lot, about myself, my body, and health in general.
  1. It's not easy, and it took a long time to gain the weight...it's going to take a long time to lose it.  I've lost weight fast before, it comes right back.  But I think after a 3 year struggle I have changed enough that it won't be the case this time.  It also takes a lot more work to get it off.  You know it's not going to be easy...but no one ever said it would be this hard either.
  2. What worked for you may not work for me.  And what works for me may not work for your.  Don't adopt someone else's successes and try and replicate them.  Your body is different and will require different things than probably anyone else.  Do your research, talk to your doctor and come up with a plan that provides results for you.  Just because I had big results running doesn't mean you will.  And just because you want to run a marathon doesn't mean I want to (I say that now).  It's going to take a lot of tweaking at first, and probably several times during the process but something WILL work.
  3. If I can do this...anyone can do this.  (side note: this is not including those with health issues that may actually make weight lost impossible.)  I have no self control.  If I can change my mindset from living to eat to eating to live so can you.  What I eat doesn't matter much to me any more.  Just as long as it's nutritious and filling.  Don't get me wrong, I have cravings and sometimes I "just don't want that" but I'll choose a HEALTHY salad over a burger any day now because at the end of the day...I'm going to be be mad about working off that burger if that's not what I REALLY wanted.
  4. Please, please, please....if you are starting on a weight loss journey....consult a doctor.  Have a primary care physician on your team backing you up and making sure you stay healthy through the process.  Also have them help you set your goal weight, you may be thinking too high or too low and the last thing you want to do is think you're done and someone tell you that you need to lose more, BUMMER!  There are SO MANY weight loss plans/diets that are so bad for you and you could end up doing more damage than good.  Also, make sure you have regular blood work done to ensure that you aren't depriving your body of anything it needs.
  5. Listen to your body.  It will tell you when you've gone too far or done too much.  This was one of the biggest lessons I had to learn...take a rest day.  Every week.  Your muscles need to rest, you don't want to hurt yourself.  Also, when you're trying something new make sure you are in tune with your body, you'll quickly learn the difference between sore and I'm hurting myself.
  6. Do not deprive yourself of something you want.  Everything is fine...in moderation, you just have to plan for it.  If you deprive yourself you'll just binge at some point which is much more detrimental.
  7. When you get discouraged remember, you're farther along than you were before so keep plugging.  It will happen eventually.
  8. Weight loss requires potion control and exercise.  And when I say exercise I mean cardio and strength training.  You can get quite a ways on cardio alone but remember, muscle burns more fat.  Also, if you do strength training you skin will hopefully tighten up as you lose so you don't have baggy skin at the end.
  9. No one can tell you you're doing your journey wrong.  If they do then they're stupid and just jealous.
  10. KEEP A GOOD ATTITUDE, STAY POSITIVE AND KEEP WORKING.  One of the best quotes I've heard is "That voice inside your head saying you can't do this is a liar." So true.  You are your own biggest enemy in this fight.
There's some thoughts.  I'll post my March results tomorrow as my graph is on another computer.  6.2lbs until I start a new rest of my life journey.  Trying to work on getting my mind wrapped around that.

Friday, March 1, 2013

February 2013 Update

I have never been so glad to see a month end. February was a rough month and I did some emotional eating for about 2 weeks and it really shows. The first week of February I did AWESOME, then things went down hill. I'm back to me now and will hopefully have these last 8 pounds off by the beach!

Needless to say, I'm just glad I Los this month, as of yesterday I thought it was going to be my first up month in quite awhile.

Friday, February 1, 2013

January 2013 Update

FINALLY A MONTH WITHOUT HOLIDAYS! And there are actual results. I will say, trying to actually loose weight the last 3 months of the year is virtually impossible for me, I've decided. Too many eating events.

Not only have I don't great this month but I've hit some very BIG milestones with this mornings weigh-in.

1. As of this morning I have lost more than 100 pounds (100.7 to be exact :)) since I started this journey. That's a little person....HOLY COW!

2. I am now less than 10 pounds away from my goal! I've got 8.8lbs to loose to reach my doctors recommended weight.

Skydiving...here I come ( in 8.8lbs)!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hockey and Weight Loss

So how do I incorporate my favorite sport into my weight loss. Easy! My husband bought me a Hurricanes jersey for Christmas in 2009...(if it wasn't '09 it was Christmas '10, but I believe '09 is right) when he bought the jersey it fit, I mean the arms were a little long but in the body it fit. Well needless to say, it's so big it's hard to wear. I hated that! The arms were so long they were in the way and you could probably fit another person in the jersey with me.

I was bummed, jerseys are EXPENSIVE. Bring in 50% off all Canes apparel due to the lockout, if I'm going to buy a jersey now is the time....HELLO NEW JERSEY. Hello Jersey that is is a children's size! A children's jersey is $45 cheaper than a adult jersey at regular cost...CHA-CHING! I will say, I tried on the adult jerseys and even the smallest sizes the arms were too long...the kid's jersey fits perfectly!

Look at the pictures to see the difference in sizes...woah! I surprise myself.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

December 2012 Update

Wow! What an amazing year 2013 had been. I've grown, learned about myself and became a better person through it all.

I lost a total of 49.6 pounds in 2012 (boo to just 0.4 lbs shy of 50) and since I started this journey (May 2010) I've lost 95.5 total. I'm within 14lbs of my goal and I hope to kick things in to high gear and get those 14 lbs gone early in 2013.

I have discovered a love for running which I would have never thought would happen but I did. I ran 10 races this with a 5k PR of 31:04. Hopefully I'll be able to get that below 30 in 2013.