Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mid-March Update

Just an update on what's going on!

  • I started my 10k training on February 27th.  I am in week 3 of training and it's going really well.  I haven't had to push myself any extreme distances yet, just a little farther each run.  I guess that's the point of training though, right?  A little bit farther, a little bit harder each time and when you're done you can't believe what you did.
  • I have come to discover that I LOVE having a training schedule!  I wake up in the morning and know what workout I have to complete that day before bed time.  I can't wimp out when I get to the gym because I've got to do what I've got to do.  It's really great!
  • I'm still up in the air about running outside.  Even though I'm still not sure about all of this outdoor cardio stuff I'm doing it, I'm hoping one day it will hit me that I love it!  I'm conflicted:
    • I like my climate controlled gym
    • But on the other hand I  like being out and seeing things as I run by.
  • I lost a significant amount of weight last week but I'm struggling this week.  Hoping that it all evens out by the end of the month.  I haven't been 'bad' this week I just had a lot of social events (which I was good at).
  • Nick is still working, always.  Hopefully that will end by the end of this month.
  • We are planning our big vacation for the year!  We would like to go to an all-inclusive place for about 5 nights but we also want it to be reasonable because even though we have plenty of money saved we don't want to spend it all on one trip.
I think that's it for now!  Ta-Ta

Friday, March 2, 2012

February 2012

Pretty pleased with my progress this month all things considered. We went out of town for a long weekend and I ate some fantastic food. We tried to stay really active while we were gone which I'm sure helped because I expected to gain a lot more than I did.

On February 27th I started training for a 10k! So far so good. I could finish a race that length now but I would have to walk a lot. I'm working on endurance and increasing my speed during this training. Race is the first weekend in June so I have some time. Really excited about this.