Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Journey (so far) in Pictures

August 2009.  About a week after we joined the gym (I have no idea how much I weighed or if I gained or lost between this picture and the next, all I know is this was right after we joined the gym).

May 2010.  Probably about 2 weeks before I got motivated.  I had been working out lazily and sporadically at this point but not really motivated (110 lbs to goal (about)).

May 2011.  At this point I had been working at it about a year (23 lbs lost, 86 to goal).

May 2012.  Two years of work (75 lbs lost, 34 to goal).  Huge motivation and changes between 2011 and 2012.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

April Update

I'm not upset with this month's results. I mean, anything is better than nothing. I've been fighting a knee injury which made working out hard for a couple of weeks but I seem to be back on track, I think I was doing too much too fast. I also had to get use to Nick being home for dinner again and cooking for 2. I think I've adjusted really well.

Next month will be interesting, leaving for Jamaica on Saturday. Goal: not to gain everything I lost in April back. We'll see!