So, I hit my goal weight last month (very end of May). I've been thinking the whole month of June on how to use my graph and blog now as weight lost isn't something I exactly need to track anymore, but reporting on my blog on a monthly basis does keep me accountable and I appreciate the accountability.
I had to go see my doctor earlier this month for other reasons but since I had just hit my goal 2 weeks before it was a good time to talk to him about maintenance as well. He told me that he helped me choose my goal weight because it was low enough that I could have a 10 pound range around it (5 over and 5 under) and even if I were to go 5 over my BMI would still be in the healthy range. So he said that I don't need to be so focused on my weight being the EXACTLY my goal every time I weigh in (because let's face it, it's different every day) but more that I need to be within my 10 lb range.
With that advice I created my new graph. As, you will see it doesn't report weight lost for the month but it does show where I'm at in relation to my goal weight and my max and min weight range. I will still be updating monthly for accountability. I went back a couple of months as well so you can see the last month I was out of maintenance range and then as I moved in to that range.

I thought for sure that I wasn't going to come in under goal this month. The beginning of the month was really discouraging and I just beat myself up every day. But! I got on the scale this morning and I was 0.2lbs under goal! SCORE! Even 0.2 under is under and I'll take it! I'm not working to loose more but I am continuing to work out and count my calories and I'm hoping that I will start moving toward the lower end of this graph as the months move on, I'd rather have a little more wiggle room to bounce up (for those events and times where you're just going to or vacations) than feel like I'm always walking a fine line.
If you've been following along in the 'Quest to Hit Laura's Goal Weight Saga' for long you'll know that my reward (to myself) for hitting goal was to go skydiving (it was between that and eating a whole cheesecake in one sitting). It just so happened that Living Social has a coupon for a local skydiving facility at the end of May. Since I was so close (and the deal was great) I went ahead and bought it. I told myself I wasn't going to reward myself until I had 2 consecutive months under goal (thinking that there was no way I'd hit under goal for June). Well, it's been 2 months reported under goal now so I guess I have to make good on my promise! If you want to contribute to my reward there is a link where you can donate to the right of this post, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would like to celebrate with me! I may not make it skydiving in July as we are pretty busy but I am going to be looking for some free time to schedule this jump (oh, and if I hadn't made this public I think I might back out on my own reward, I'm getting nervous about it). HOLLA!
Now, we're moving on to July. I love July, not necessarily the weather but I love 4th of July! It's my favorite holiday because it's just chill. And I love the patriotic feeling that wells up inside every 4th of July. We are truly blessed to live in this country and we should be grateful every day for the men and women that protect us here and abroad. So, enjoy your cookouts, ice cream and fireworks on Thursday!