In general, what a fantastic year! Yes, it had its ups and downs but overall one of the best years I've ever had. I lost a total of 16 pounds this year, which doesn't sound impressive compared to the 49.6 I lost in 2012 but there is a reason for that. I reached my goal weight in May and have been able to stay at or under goal month over month since then (wasn't sure I was going to be able to in December because I felt like I ate my way through the month, but I did!)! I have no more weight lost goal per se, I would like to hover closer to 5 lbs. under goal instead of 2 lbs. under but I'm not actively striving to get there, I figure if it happens it happens and if not I'll continue to maintain under goal and be happy with that!
I'm so excited to see what 2014 will bring! My one resolution (pretty much the same resolution year over year), NO BABIES IN 2014. In all honesty the last 2 months of the year have been such a whirlwind that I haven't had time to come up with goals for the next year except pass my licensing tests (1 down!) and survive until that is over.
2013, you've been awesome! I couldn't have planned a better year. 2014, I hope you're just as swell. BRING IT!
Weight Maintenance Graph from the month before I got in to my maintenance range through the end of December |
Maintenance Graph for 2013 as a whole |